Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gratitude and Relief

After six days--which felt like 60-- I got the good news. I have some sort of rare tumor which is almost always benign, and the actual biopsy was also benign. Since finding out, I've been walking around with a sense of gratitude--along with a sense, at times, of emotional exhaustion. It has been a difficult year; I picked up my new hearing aid this week and am now adjusting to that. But compared to a possible cancer diagnosis, most of the other challenges in my life seem like child's play!

Starting on Friday 2/23, I start a ten day vacation, with short trips to NYC and Dallas. In between, I have three days to catch my breath and write. After living in fight or flight mode for the past four weeks--and much of the past year--it's a relief to just BE, to just relax a bit......though relaxation and slowing down is not my forte, I'm learning--life is teaching me. I may be slow, in terms of learning some of these life lessons, but I'm not stupid, (just stubborn!)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Waiting Part Two

I had the biopsy last Wednesday. The nurses at Mt. Auburn Hospital were great. The doctor, a radiologist, scared me a bit when he told me that "there was nothing to hang my hat on," and that I shouldn't assume the tumor is benign. He told me this as they were preparing to take me into the CAT scan/operating room. Thanks a lot.....that was one time when I would've preferred a little more positive talk, and/or a better bedside manner. But after the procedure, he did tell me that he didn't think I had melanoma, which was a major concern......I'm still sitting with shpilkes---I'm on pins and needles!