Sunday, October 08, 2006

Remembering Deborah

I've known Deborah Rose, my acupuncturist and friend, since 1988. Coming back from Ohio on September 8, I discovered (via email) that she had passed away on Labor Day...a great loss. Deborah was a true healer, a generous soul with a great sense of humor, a great capacity for listening, living in the present moment and drinking in life, and just being her wonderful self. She had been treated for breast cancer about 6 yrs earlier, had recovered, and then the cancer came back in May of this year.

Deborah touched hundreds, if not thousands of people during her too brief life. I am grateful to have spent time with her on this journey. At her memorial service, at the Cambridge MultiCultural Arts Center, there were about 150 people. Many spoke of their love for Deborah, of her good humor and great appetite for life. We will miss her. I miss her. May her spirit live on through her good works, and all the lives she touched.


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